August 16, 2010
1. I thought I’d experienced it all when it came to smol haoses: missing the hole, rats crawling on the walls, huge hairy spiders, almost losing a flip flop, falling on my ass when my legs gave out (terrible case of the runs)…well today topped all of those by a million. As I assumed the squatting position and began relieving my bladder, something suddenly flew up from the long drop. I jumped back, pulled up my pants, opened the door for some light…and sure enough a poor little chick had somehow fallen in my long drop. I’m not entirely sure what attracted it to such a horrid and fowl smelling place to start with…but with no means of a rescue, the poor little chick stopped squawking within minutes. It probably died of intoxication, poor thing. I never thought my excrement would cause the death of a chick…Rest In Peace.
2. Cooking grits on a fire is quite a challenge. I do not recommend trying this at home (or anywhere for that matter). “Simmer on low heat,” let me just turn my fire down to low heat. I enjoyed eating them, thanks mom and Andi.
3. A few days ago, I was sitting with my neighbors just chatting about this and that. We started talking about having children and I asked them if they wanted anymore (they are in their early 30s with 3 kids). The conversation then turned to me having children and I said I had fulap time. They then asked me if I could have a baby when I got back to the US and send it to them. I agreed jokingly but they were convinced. They said I should just “friend” a Man Tanna here and give them that baby. Still not convinced, the husband offered to go find someone and I could just make a baby today! Wow. I politely declined the offer.
4. I had a sleepover with two of my year 5 girls Friday night. They came carrying island kabij and peanuts. We watched High School Musical, ate some lollis, made pancakes and hot chocolate, made bracelets, and did some weeding. Can imagine 12 year old girls in the U.S at a sleepover begging to weed your yard? We had a blast.
5. Buying a huge cartoon of milk and sharing it with the other PCV as our calcium for the month. We had to chug it before leaving the store or else it would go bad.
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