Monday, November 29, 2010


My fellow Peace Corps Volunteer on Tanna put on the Lion King at her primary school this week. I mostly assisted with costumes and music and the small back stage stuff during the performance. It was the first musical/play ever performed on Tanna!

We took some photos before the performance and installed all of the microphone and sound equipment. Just as the performers were lining up behind stage to begin, it started to pour like it hasn't poured all year. We couldn't believe it! God really does have a sense of humor. The man holding the microphone got electrocuted a bit and then it took a good half hour to dry all the sound stuff before putting it in the hands of the narrator. The audience was patient however and once we started the rain held off until the dance finale(which added a lovely dramatical effect). It was a huge success and we are hoping to put on another one next year!


  1. So so so so so so cool Hali!! I am happy you are well and miss you all the time!!The costumes and make up look awesome. I bet those kiddos adore you guys

  2. Hali, Did anyone record any part of it? The girls want to see it! looks like you all did a great job. We continue to miss you. Sofia talks about you almost everyday...

  3. make-up is cool for sure. not too keen on the electrocution factor though.
